In The “stone Age”

Deployments are a critical phase of any task. In the “stone age”, designers used to simply see the files required into creation. And there used to be issues if you are dealing with multiple http servers. Keeping all the servers in sync was the problem always. Capistrano came into the picture Then. It made deployment of ruby/rails applications very easy. Some other folks and I went ahead and modified it to deploy code into production for the apps as well. But it was a tricky job since Capistrano was designed to work for ruby/rails applications originally.

You can devote just one or two days a week to schedule your articles and let the automation tools take care of the rest. Plus, viewing everything in a calendar view on the platform can help you make sure the distribution is even. This piggybacks on our last point. You’ve surely got to work smarter, not harder.

If you involve some marketing materials or documents written a couple of years ago that are still relevant, you can reuse them. You might have written an extremely informative blog post with plenty of data and facts to back up your claims. But at the time, you didn’t have the marketing skills to obtain it distributed to a broad audience.

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The views and engagement on that web page were surprisingly low. But that doesn’t imply you can’t bring that post back to life. You’ve got several options here. First, you can write a fresh article on the same topic, changing the title. Use your old post as a mention of make the writing process go faster. Or you could republish a vintage post with updated statistics. Statistics change over time. This is also true when it comes to marketing data.

That’s why I always try to use the most recent sources to back up my data. HubSpot recognized that the research they conducted in 2012 was outdated. So, they updated the statistics and republished a vintage post. Did you see other things in the HubSpot’s example above? The post is plastered with sharing icons. Including these icons helps it be much more likely that readers shall discuss your articles.

Otherwise, you’d have to use them by hand duplicating your hyperlink, opening a fresh tab or windowpane, and then writing it with their friends. It’s way too many steps to be an effective strategy that you can rely on. You will find different ways to approach this strategy as well. When you talk about posts on public media, you can try to encourage user-generated content as a distribution strategy. Operate a promotion or competition that will require a retweet, post, or talk about as an entrance.