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Have you, have you been overwhelmed by the variety? CLEANS the pores by absorbing sebum and contracting pores temporarily. AHA (lactic acidity) to assist with exfoliation. IF PORES BECAUSE OF DEHYDRATION, use moisturizing products below in sections 3 to plump up skin to lessen pore size. IF PORES DUE TO AGING, use anti-aging products below in sections 4 to boost elasticity of the skin to shrink pore size. 3. NUTRI-MOISTURIZING and MOISTURIZING are moisturizers for everybody. 5. WHITENING is whitening, nothing fancy!

Ridiculous Claims: Its from the sea: Not “everything” in the ocean is wonderful. Ever read about how exactly polluted our oceans are? Enough said. Individuals in Okinawa live much longer and look younger: When doing research with this you will see that their durability is more than likely contributed to their diet and stress-free life. There is absolutely no product that will ever replace good dietary balancing.

Disease Cure-All: This is the one that makes me cringe. There’s not been one research to back up any remedy from taking calcium (any sort) only. Yes, your body needs calcium to function properly, but calcium, by itself, will not cure anything! I do believe in disease eradication using natural methods but there is absolutely no magic bullet no magic supplement.

If an organization is selling something declaring a “cure-all” this will raise huge red flags. Calcium Orotate—The Best Form of Calcium Available According to studies conducted by Dr. Hans Nieper (Germany) only Calcium Orotate penetrates straight through the cell membrane, providing calcium to the interior of the cell where it is readily utilized.

Orotates are mineral salts of orotic acid — utilized by plants and pets to make DNA and RNA. Hans Nieper, your physician and dabbler in offbeat ideas of gravitation, used orotates medically prior to 1980. He thought that orotate salts, being neutrally charged, pass through cell membranes easily. In effect, rotate ferries the mineral atoms into tissues and cells, producing higher concentrations.

Nieper promoted orotates as treatments for almost every disorder imaginable and was as a result ignored; most of his medical statements were rigorously tested never. However in certain applications — such as athletic performance — where his ideas have recently received scientific scrutiny, they have been found to work. Nieper might have been on the right course after all. Dr. Nieper’s theoretical explanations of the mechanisms behind his stunning success in the clinical application of sophisticated nutrient transporters rely heavily on the concept of the fixed pore system of active transportation.

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The theory called fixed pore mechanism shows that a carrier molecule, in cases like this Orotic Acid (B-13), is attached to the substance being transported. This research has led to the creation of mineral chelates called orotic acid chelates, or rotate that provides a 20 fold upsurge in utilizing minerals. Calcium orotate was utilized by Nieper to treat bone pain and loss due to inflammation or osteoporosis, high blood circulation pressure, angina pectoris, multiple sclerosis, encephalitis, retinitis, hepatitis, arthritis, arteriosclerosis, phlebitis and colitis.

In addition, it is very effective against psoriasis, a scaling pores and skin disorder. The long-term clinical tolerance and overall value of calcium orotate are significantly more advanced than other therapeutic calcium mineral substances and also to the so-called immune depressors. Calcium Orotate is one of the three mineral transporters that is the most active in providing treatment for bone decalcification. Includes a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect on arthritis, arteriosclerosis, retinitis, phlebitis and encephalitis, psoriasis, high blood pressure, multiple colitis and sclerosis.

It can be very effective in re-calcifying the bone tissue following extensive radiation treatment of cancerous bone lesions. Calcium Orotate tablets have been beneficial in: 1. Assisting with avoidance of osteoporosis. 2. Assisting to avoid muscle cramps. 3. Relieving the pain associated with disc problems. 4. Maintaining strong bones & teeth.